There’s an old/new joke about how being president has aged
Obama. It goes like this. ‘He used to be half-black and half-white. But now
he’s just completely gray.’
Being president does age you severely. You age two years for
every year in the first term, three years for every year in the second term,
and four years for every year of scandal. Look at Bush and Clinton at the end
of their presidencies. Their hair is shock-white and deadened-gray, hard deep
lines cut into their faces, barely able to smile because to do so would be like
cracking granite.
But Obama, much like Al Pacino in Godfather III, has
actually gone gray in the face. Black + White + Presidential Stress +
Republican Assholes + Not Smoking = Gray. Maybe somewhere in the White House
attic, there’s a picture of Obama getting younger, blacker, and less of a
over-compromising pushover pussy…but it’s unlikely.
Still…he’ll win reelection easily.
Obama can still play the master orator when he needs to,
getting behind a podium and sounding like Denzel Washington playing an
idealistic preacher…so he’s got that going for him. And as much as people seem
to dislike him now, they hate the Republican table-scraps even worse. Sure,
Obama’s a soft-touch union-friendly born-compromiser who has always been better
talkin’ than doin’ and would rather negotiate than invade but…we all knew that
four years ago. So what else is new? He’s Jimmy Carter sans the Iran Hostage
crisis. He’s the wimp you wanted. Deal with it.
Besides, people aren’t ready for the first black president
to become the first black one-term president. What’ll that say about the country?
How much would that reverse the ‘first black president’ goodwill? Because as
bad as things are all over…and they’re mighty bad…on the upside, ‘Hey, we
elected a black president, remember?’ Take that silver lining away…and it’s all
gray doom like Obama in the face.
So…as for the Republican slate of candidates? This is the best you got? Really?
Rick Santorum.
The biggest tool I’ve ever seen. You could put a socket-wrench in a
sweater-vest and it would still not be as big a tool as him. He looks like the type
of guy who is most uncomfortable around unmarried black women. And his last
name was a bad fit for a ‘President _______’ nametag even before Dan Savage
made his play. Really, Christian Right? This is the best you had in their back
pocket? This is your holy savior? The guy who’s against women in the military
and thinks abortion is the worst thing ever ever?
And I thought it was bad when Rick Perry was the front-runner…
Newt Gingrich.
That sack of waterlogged potatoes with an overinflated Goodyear blimp for a
head. He metaphorically and literally represents government bureaucracy at its
most bloated. Cheated on two wives, married his mistresses, left one wife on
her cancer-bed…and that’s still not the worst thing about him. Time Magazine
1995’s Man of the Year (back before it was PC-ified into ‘Person of the Year’ –
wow, must’ve been a bad year that year). Newt, you can call yourself an
outsider, you can call Obama a socialist, you can prophesize the coming
American apocalypse for a Democratic second term…you still don’t have a fucking
chance in holy hell, not with all the dirty money in the world.
Mitt Romney.
Aka ‘The Mechanical Mormon.’ Looks like he popped out of a ‘Republican
Politician Cloning Machine.’ He loves corporations, he’s filthy rich, and he’s
flip-flopped his position on everything to veer as far to the right as
possible. If he wasn’t a follower of the teachings of Joseph Smith and the LDS
church, he’d be the perfect republican candidate. Unfortunately, people look at
him and think, ‘Your Jesus isn’t my Jesus’ so…he’ll probably make it. He’s the
Bob Dole of this election, the sacrificial political lamb, the ‘seriously,
dude, this is the best you could come up with?’ The winner by default,
split-decision, and mass apathy…
Ron Paul.
He has new ideas, he sticks by his convictions, he has a plan that’ll actually
work, he’s willing to stand up to the special interests and corporations and
unions, and he has the strongest support among the independents…so he doesn’t
have a fucking shot in Hell. Ron Paul has the best chance of winning general
election…and no chance of getting Republican nomination. The party would rather
lose without him than win with him.
Ron Paul is like McCain in 2000 but better. No compromise.
He'll cut foreign aid, slash the budgets, and he refuses to pander even while
he's running for president. That's why the core Republicans and Democrats both
hate him. He’s the only guy who hasn’t been promoted to front-runner status
yet…and that’s because he’s the best. So he’ll pay the way for his son. Rand
Paul 2028!
Who knows? Anything’s
Here's my prediction for the next president (based on
current lineups of republicans, Obama seems guaranteed a second term so this is
for 2016).
I'm calling it now. Based on the last three presidential
trends (Clinton, Bush, Obama – each increasingly younger, unknown,
inexperienced, and admitted drug use – from denied pothead to denied pothead
and cokehead to admitted dope-smoker and coke-snorter) and the fact that
Americans are losing faith in their own government, the next president of the
US will be a young (39-41 years old) single-minority (either female or Latino -
Americans can only accept one minority at a time) war hero (haven't had one of
these in a long time, not since Kennedy).
A young Latina war hero. Sounds
about right.
Someone young and inspirational and idealistic but not a
suit, no politician, no rich kid, a real salt-of-the-earth average joe. I was
thinking that a young female war hero would be great. Maybe even one married to
a Latino war hero. That would be awesome. Make her famous and opinionated, very
smart, well-educated, but not a politician. An outsider who is famous for
something non-political. She has to be good-looking enough to get men to like
her but not so much so that she intimidates women. And also the whole war hero
thing might allay the 'What if she's PMSing with her finger on the button?'
A female president? Really?
Hey, like I said…anything’s possible.
Maybe in 4 years, there will be a female/Hispanic president.
Maybe in 16-20 years, there will be a Libertarian president. Maybe in 50 years,
there will be an atheist president. Maybe in 100 years, there will be a Jewish
president. Or maybe in 10 years, the American economy will have collapsed, the world
will be a nuclear wasteland, and we’ll all be scavenging mobs of dehumanized
barbarians, killing and raping our way across the country in search of oil,
water, and ‘fresh meat.’ Oh well…I’ve got my fingers crossed for a mix of all
five possible outcomes.
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